
Workforce Saudia strives to match the growing demands of households across the Kingdom for well trained, reliable and trustworthy Household workers. With an employee care team in place, the welfare of our Outsourced Household staff is of upmost importance to us.

Typical Positions Include

  • Driver

  • Maid

  • Cook

Apply for Household Staff

To apply for household staff, please fill in this form and email it to [email protected].


Download Form


Rate Card
House Drivers India & Pakistan
Working Hours Advance Payment Monthly Charge Rate        Actual Per Month Charge          
One Month (24 Months)  - 2856* -
Client Accommodation (24 Hour) - 3 Months * 3000 1620 2620
Client Accommodation (24 Hour) - 6 Months 7000 1335 2502
Client Accommodation (24 Hour) - 01 Year 10000 1665 2498
Client Accommodation (24 Hour) - 23 Months 12000 2000 2500

* Promotion: SAR. 2550/Month

Housemaids Philippines Indonesia Nigerian Bangladesh Moroccan Ghana Tunisia
Working Hours Advance Payment Monthly Charge Rate Actual Per Month Charge Advance Payment Monthly Charge Rate Actual Per Month Charge Advance Payment Monthly Charge Rate Actual Per Month Charge Advance Payment Monthly Charge Rate Actual Per Month Charge Advance Payment Monthly Charge Rate Actual Per Month Charge Advance Payment Monthly Charge Rate Actual Per Month Charge Advance Payment Monthly Charge Rate Actual Per Month Charge
4 Hours, 1 day per week (4 Visits in month) - 600 - - 575 - - 475 - - 475 - NA NA - 475 475 - NA NA -
4 Hours, 2 days per week (8 Visits in month) - 1200 - - 1150 - - 900 - - 900 - NA NA - 900 900 - NA NA -
4 Hours, 3 days per week (12 Visits in month) - 1800 - - 1600 - - 1350 - - 1350 - NA NA - 1350 1350 - NA NA -
4 Hours, Event Service (1 Worker) 400 NA - 400 NA - 150 NA - NA NA - NA NA - 150 NA - NA NA -
Client Accommodation (24 Hour) - 3 Months 7000 1455 3788 4000 1700 3033 4000 1145 2478 4000 1150 2483 4000 1730 3063 4000 1140 2473 4000 1940 3273
Client Accommodation (24 Hour) - 6 Months 10000 1950 3617 7000 1730 2897 5000 1530 2363 5000 1535 2368 5000 2090 2923 5000 1525 2358 5000 2290 3123
Client Accommodation (24 Hour) - 01 Year 15000 2365 3615 10000 2060 2897 7000 1780 2363 7000 1785 2368 7000 2340 2923 7000 1775 2358 7000 2540 3123
Client Accommodation (24 Hour) - 02 Years 18000 2865 3615 15000 2270 2895 12000 1865 2365 12000 1870 2370 12000 2425 2925 12000 1860 2360 12000 2625 3125
Care Giver & Cook
Care Giver & Cooks Philippines Bangladesh Moroccan
Working Hours Advance Payment Monthly Charge Rate Actual Per Month Charge Advance Payment Monthly Charge Rate Actual Per Month Charge Advance Payment Monthly Charge Rate Actual Per Month Charge
Client Accommodation (24 Hour) - 3 Months 7000 1700 4033 4000 1520 2853 4000 2350 3683
Client Accommodation (24 Hour) - 6 Months 10000 2185 3852 5000 1890 2723 5000 2680 3513
Client Accommodation (24 Hour) - 01 Year 15000 2600 3850 7000 2140 2723 7000 2930 3513
Client Accommodation (24 Hour) - 02 Years 18000 3100 3850 12000 2225 2725 12000 3015 3515
Nurses Indonesia Nigerian Bangladesh
Working Hours Advance Payment Monthly Charge Rate Actual Per Month Charge Advance Payment Monthly Charge Rate Actual Per Month Charge Advance Payment Monthly Charge Rate Actual Per Month Charge
Client Accommodation (24 Hour) - 01 Year 10000 3495 4328 7000 3195 3778 10000 3370 4203
Client Accommodation (24 Hour) - 02 Years 15000 3700 4325 12000 2225 3280 12000 3705 4205